Culture Craft

We are an all-in-one minecraft network. There will always be something for you to do! Current modes: Survival: Amplified world with soon to come missions to complete accross the world, level up and make some money! Lots of leveling up to do! Dont forget our FREE rankup sytstem to allow you to get a few paid features without paying. Skyblock: Island missions and levels to compete with other players! Optional kits, minions, pvp and tons of features! Prison: Tons and tons of leveling up. Ranked mines, custom map, active staff much more features to come! Creative: Separate plot worlds with the ability to gain world edit and use pets! Hide and Seek: 8 different custom maps to choose from! Battle Royale: A huge map with random loot and shrinking boarders! Custom map, custom items, custom loot and ingame buyables. Heros: Come be a hero today! With its crazy new abilitys and unique rankup system its a brand new way to adventure! KitPVP: You know the drill, grab a kit and kill the enemy! MANY MORE TO COME! Q. I've played minecraft, so what? A. Minecraft has become a massively popular social game. We think that the community is what makes or breaks a game. We have a discord with a super welcoming and friendly community of all race, gander and age. Q. What about the server, there's thousands to choose from so why do I need yours? A. Our server is constantly being updated and given attention. We want to be the all-in-one server so you don't have to find another server to play a gamemode that you enjoy. We are always open to ideas of adding more. Q. Why do you run a server when there's so many out there? A. The problem is most server owners have a set way they wanna run their server which is fine for them. We are community based and always will be. We provide the games and options to fit the communitys needs. Q. Java or Bedrock? A. As of right now bedrock is very limited with what you can do. This is unfortunate because bedrock is the only cross compatible version as we speak. That being said we are limited to Java on PC only because of the flexibility of Java servers. If bed rock allows mods or plugins in the future and easy to use servers, you bet we will be there. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Ideas are always welcome.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 815 minutes ago
Owner untfce
Rank 2260
Votes 0
Joined 2020-06-19 00:25:33