CraftYourTown Towny No Grief

Welcome to the CraftYourTown page Were a new server, a towny server to be precise. You may be thinking, well.. What is towny Towny is similar to factions in the way that you build anything you want in a free world, however with Towny, you can protect your areas and stop the griefingraiding. About Voting We offer multiple rewards for voting, such as diamonds, gold, iron, crates and even the chance to win a donator rank. Simply vote on all 4 four links on the server using vote Wed love for you to be joining us on the server, with the IP And if youre looking for the site-

Server Information
Server Status Online
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 70/500
Last Ping 119 minutes ago
Owner lukemango_
Rank 179
Votes 11
Joined 2017-04-14 16:43:57