Venturous (Semi-Vanilla)

Venturous (Semi-Vanilla)

Venturous is a brand new semi-vanilla server thats just gone into public BETA testing.More and more features will be added within the next couple of weeks! The main focus of Venturous will be gaining enough money to start buying all types of mob spawners, in which you can use to farm items and xp (we have included a plugin in which allows mobs to drop xp and loot automatically with wither roses) and sell back to the server for a profit! What we include now? Some of the plugins we include are: Better Mending Core Protect Greif Prevention Essentials MCMMO Mineable Spawners Flesh to leather What are we working on right now? Well we are looking into adding quests, plugins to enhance mining, ModReq, Mythic Mobs, more features to do with brewing and craft book.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 137179 minutes ago
Owner kenzie312
Rank 2839
Votes 0
Joined 2020-02-22 17:45:52