Vyrna beta server

ADD 25571 AT THE END OF THE IP SO YOU CAN ACCESS THE SERVER, WILL FIX THIS ON THE NEXT INSTALLMENTS OF THE VPS, THEY DIDNT TELL ME I HAD TO BUY A CUSTOM IP TILL I PURCHASED IT. Hello, were releasing this server as a beta server, the plugins and everything else should be fully functional. The only thing thats still in progress is the spawn. Were releasing it so people can play and we can pin point any bugs within the server before we release it as a full live game. What the server includes The server is towny, nothing more. Back in my minecraft days like 8 years or so ago minecraft towny servers used to thrive, they used to be real popular so I want to bring back this old school nostalgic server for everyone to play. It has jobs. Jobs are to make money and to make your new town. It is currently hosted on a VPS, nothing big right now as the server is empty but well upgrade if we need too. Vyrna used to be an old server I used to help run, but due to the owner taking everyones money and refusing to use it on the server it eventually came to a close, I want to rebuild the old server I used to run and make it thrive like it used to.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 114611 minutes ago
Owner iexal
Rank 2237
Votes 0
Joined 2019-05-14 08:36:00