Carbon Cove

Carbon Cove

Welcome This is a New Vanilla Whitelisted Survival Minecraft Server, hosted in the US with a strong UK and European presence. We are looking for new players who are friendly, mature and looking for an adventure. We have spent our time in different communities and are now looking to create our own. We want players who want to be part of a community, a small server where we all know each other. We are looking for people who are aged 16 and above as we are aiming the server at a more mature community, while still being able to enjoy ourselves and have fun. We would prefer if you had a mic and were willing to participate in group calls, although this is not mandatory more of a preference. Events will be planned on the server including mini games and treasure hunts, which will happen once we get a decent number of people on the server to participate in such events. Abuse and hate will not be tolerated on the server or in our group discord, we want to create a positive environment where everyone can feel safe and comfortable. We play other games as well such as Rocket League, Fifa, Gang Beasts, Hearthstone, CIV, Garys Mod, Town of Salem, Cards Against Humanity, etc so this is not just a Minecraft community. To apply go to this link and fill in your information providing as much information as possible, as we would like to know what sort of people we are inviting onto our server httpscarboncovesmp.typeform.comtoeySzQk If you have any questions about us or the server do not be afraid to ask.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 42376 minutes ago
Owner drunkspartan
Rank 4698
Votes 0
Joined 2017-01-29 23:08:42