FUNGUS! NEW SEASON! Trust-Based [SMP][Grief-Protection][Semi-Vanilla]

FUNGUS! NEW SEASON! Trust-Based [SMP][Grief-Protection][Semi-Vanilla]

Hello and welcome to Fungus! We are a Minecraft server that is [b]TRUST BASED![/b] We have basic land plugin that is essentially works as our land claiming and trust system. We also have a player run economy so it may not be as easy as other servers to get money, but it makes it all the more challenging and fun.[br] If you want to join a server that is all about [i]kindness and trust[/i], then join [color=#ff7700]MC.FUNGUS.DIGITAL[/color] today! Our players are [color=#00ffff]AWESOME[/color] and continue to grow together as a community.[br][br] Some fun features we as a community create together:[br]   - PVP Arena[br]   - Player shops[br]   - mega builds[br]   - Come online to find some more ;) [br][br] Due to having a PLAYER RUN economy, in order to prevent rapid inflation we do not permit:[br] - XRAY[br] - Duping[br] - Hacking[br] - Exploits[br] - Ask if you are unsure[br][br] We absolutely DO NOT permit GRIEFING of any kind.[br][br] Our players are respectful, kind, helpful, and always down to build or explore together. Mane have even compared the experience here on Fungus to Hermitcraft! We are also active in our Discord so you can also always hop on and have a chat with us Fungus Friends.[br][br] Donation Rank/Perks:[br] [​Puffball] - $15[br] - access to MANY cosmetics[br] - /fly in your own claim![br] - additional home[br] - more[br][br][br] Our Discord: [url=][/url] [br][br] Banner art by LoserLays !

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 2758 minutes ago
Owner cryseul
Rank 1062
Votes 0
Joined 2020-05-31 13:14:18