KoR Crafting

KoR Crafting

Simple Vanilla+ - No PVP - No Claims - Chest/Block Locking via LWC Discord: discord.gg/Ty4cGCr Server IP: korcrafting.us.to We are aiming to provide you with active Administration around the clock, just like how it used in the older days. There are no claims, but you will have us (Helpers and Admins) to assist in any situation! All Staff play in survival to provide an even playing-grounds for all people! What is Vanilla+? - Our Version of Vanilla+ is adding simple quality-of-life plugins, such as "/home" or "/back" as assistance to normal play. There is also simple inventory sorting (middle-click) to help with keeping items organized! You can find out more when you join us on our server and check out the provided command book! Rules: Use Common Sense. No Hacking No Griefing No Xrays No Racisim No Hate Speech No Politics Do not ask for OP No Harassment

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 6177 minutes ago
Owner closekor
Rank 2867
Votes 0
Joined 2020-05-24 14:51:55