Apex Gaming

Make sure you have forge for MC 1.12.2 already installed and know how to add mods to your Minecraft New mods can be added after it is reviewed and determined to be beneficial to the server DiscordBonnie1381 Mods needed MicdoodleCore 1.12.2 NGTlib 1.12.2 Galacticcraft 1.12.2 RTM 1.12.2 MoreCraftMod 1.12.2 Mantle Mod 1.12.2 Tinkers Construct Mod 1.12.2 World Edit 1.12.2 Infinity Craft 1.12.2 Aether Legacy 1.12.2 Xtones 1.12.2 Architecturecraft 1.12.2 Mekanism, Mekanismtools, and Mekanism Generators 1.12.2 coroutil 1.12.2 More Explosives 1.12.2 ICBM classic 1.12.2 weather2 1.12.2 BiomesOplenty 1.12.2 Xaeros Minimap 1.12.2 Toomuch tnt 1.12.2 Jei 1.12.2 Optifine 1.12.2 DiscordBonnie1381 feel free to ask me and questions

Server Information
Server Status Offline
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Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 131301 minutes ago
Owner bonniegodz
Rank 1693
Votes 0
Joined 2018-12-05 20:01:18