

What is PowerBlocks Powerblocks is a community based Minecraft server that features a wide variety of addons and plugins to help enhance gameplay. We will always provide a friendly survival world. However, as we grow, we plan to expand into modded as well as other types of gameplay in order to provide the best to our community. What is our Goal The goal of PowerBlocks is to provide a fun, friendly, multiplayer server that suits a variety of people and game styles. We seek to provide for our players, and are capable and ready to serve a large community, though we are not looking to actively expand for the time being. What is our Focus PowerBlocks focuses on suiting as many playstyles as possible. Upon opening we will be providing an MCmmo survival server, with light combat, and economy. All of our owners and admins played and enjoyed Badlands. We see ourselves as a Badlands spiritual successor and wish to continue their legacy by providing a similar experience. We will be taking community feedback into consideration heavily as we expand and add more unique features

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 33533 minutes ago
Owner bloodwi11
Rank 4338
Votes 0
Joined 2017-07-24 02:09:55