BreckMC Extra Hard Survival

BreckMC Extra Hard Survival

BreckMC is a player equality, ZERO PAY TO WIN, survival server based around Extra Hard Mode. My wife and I run this server for fun and there are no donation perks. All players are on equal footing besides the obvious mods powers. Youll never be bugged by annoying donation reminders, since there are none. If you feel like you want to donate to the upkeep, contact us on Discord. There is no set theme to this server besides standard survival gameplay with some additions and enhancements Ready for a real challenge Extra Hard Mode changes some core gameplay mechanics and creates hazards where none existed before. You may find yourself strapped for rare ores and avoiding hazards that you never expected. - Explore beautiful and dangerous lands created by Epic World Generator - Due to hard stone being extra damaging to pickaxes, and falling rocks and dirt, you must find and explore cave systems for your resources. The deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes. - Tunnel using TNT and its greatly increased blasts better get back when you set it off - Enter the portal to Aluria, a skyworld, to hunt for Exotic Gardens plants only found there. Battle Specters and take their ectoplasm to fly from sky island to sky island. - Take on the Ender Dragon like never before thanks to Extra Hard Mode. The time it takes to gear up with your friends will make this battle truly satisfying to win. BreckMC features Extra Hard Mode, Epic World Generator, mcMMO, Grief Prevention for land claim, Auto-Sort toggleable, Slimefun and some custom creations. If you have any questions or troubles feel free to message us or join our discord. Just type discord in chat to get a discord invite. DISCORD LINK

Server Information
Server Status Online
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/50
Last Ping 32705 minutes ago
Owner akaramine
Rank 447
Votes 15
Joined 2017-06-16 18:28:17