Tainted Vanilla Anarchy Spigot 1.12.2 No Rules Same World

Tainted Vanilla Anarchy  Spigot 1.12.2  No Rules  Same World

Pure Vanilla Anarchy always had a problem. Great server instability. People became fed up with it, so I created Tainted Vanilla Anarchy Tainted Vanilla Anarchy is a Spigot 1.12.2 Anarchy server. It only has a few plugins, mostly to help the server perform better. From the tests run at launch a player travelling fast speeds does not impact the server like it did on PVA. Since a great deal of people became attached to our map on PVA I transfered it over to TVA The map is 69gb in size, so the world is already quite developed... err destroyed. The same rules apply, there are no rules I am listening to the wants and needs of the players at TVA to make sure that the plugins do nothing to harm the Vanilla Experience. So there are no teleporting plugins, no anti cheat plugins, nothing restricting your ability to play the way you want to play. So come and join TVA Plugins List Escape Lag ground item clear turned off, things now clear like they do in Vanilla RamCleaner Restores unused Ram UltimateAutoRestart More of a server maintenance thing Votifier - Rewards Bottles of XP for voting GA Listener - Part of the voting system Join our discord - discord.gg6jj88MK

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 13139 minutes ago
Owner TaintedVanillaAnarchy
Rank 2263
Votes 0
Joined 2019-07-16 00:02:13