Slice Survival SkyStone Needs Staff

Slice Survival  SkyStone  Needs Staff

--Slice Survival-- ---------------- Slice Survival takes survival in a new, exciting, and enthralling direction Quest through vast archipelagos of floating islands, taking leaps of fate and making risky bridges across the endless void beneath you Using a beautiful custom land generator, we can engineer an experience thats guaranteed to keep you on your toes at all times ---------------- You can play worry free with our implementation of land claim, meaning that no one can ever touch your precious things without permission. The strict anti-griefing policy ensures you will never be scared of anything but a fall ---------------- Enjoy quality time with your companions, feeling free to sit back, relax, and kick it to the in-game music. Our tight-knit community-driven model creates an atmosphere where you will know everyone by name, and theyll know likewise. The loyal and mature staff have been hand-picked for their ability to handle a community such as this, so no need to fret over whos in charge ---------------- So, what are you waiting for Dive in and fly with us here at Slice Survival

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 19491 minutes ago
Owner Sliceandriced
Rank 6629
Votes 0
Joined 2018-02-25 10:33:21