Bucketry Minecraft

Bucketry Minecraft

bAbout Usb codeWe are a small aspiring server that focuses on whats enjoyable in Minecraft. While at its core, its a no-holds-barred medieval PvP server with emphasis on building towns and overpowering your enemy. Here, wed like to provide the players with a fair and enjoyable experience. With other elements such as a unique RPG class system and a functional economy. You, the player, have the power to rule. While we are a PvP server, we are also a server about survival and creation.code bThe Server Objectiveb codeThe objective of the server is the concept of players having fun through PvP, acting as either individuals or a combined force through the town system. It is the staff interacting with players, it is kingdoms trying to conquer the land of other kingdoms, it is roaming bandits taking what they want by force. It is a world where the players themselves play the biggest role.code bNo Nonsenseb codeWe who run the show are players much like yourself. Weve played those servers. Weve fought those people. It was all in good fun until the cruel realization came that PvP and creativity could not coexist. At our server, we belive that the core aspect of Minecraft can remain intact while you bash in the face of your enemy. Magnificent skyscrapers and fields bathed in blood, together in sweet harmony. code bWhats the Catchb codeOnly that you obey the rules and respect the staff, everything else is up to you. Want to be a wandering nomad, killing any you come across Go for it. Interested in being the kingpin of the server, dominating the economy and hiring other players as mercenaries to do your dirty work for you Youre the boss. Maybe you just want to lead the top nation on the server, make the most jaw-dropping town. Make it happen. Of course, perhaps you just want to make the most incredible structures the world of Minecraft has ever seen If you want it, make it so - be weary of the PvPers out for blood, though. The choice is yours, the only limit is your imagination.code

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 53201 minutes ago
Owner Rugzy
Rank 6549
Votes 0
Joined 2018-01-07 20:11:46