RBMC ➢ 1.16.4 ➢ Events ➢ MCMMO ➢ AntiGrief ➢Land Claiming ➢ Kits ➢Jobs

RBMC ➢ 1.16.4 ➢ Events ➢ MCMMO ➢ AntiGrief ➢Land Claiming ➢ Kits ➢Jobs

Hi there! The RBMC Server is a fun active community where its heart is in the users. Players build beautiful homes together in survival and fill the world with joy. We try to make the server as fun as possible, this is why we also host events occasionally, We hope you guys will join us in this fun server and we cant wait to welcome you!

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 344 minutes ago
Owner RBC_Saph
Rank 711
Votes 0
Joined 2020-01-22 04:01:07