MineCenter Drug Cartel

Drug Cartel is a part of the MineCenter network. The aim of the server is to become the highest rank and dominate the drug trade. When you first join the server you will be of the rank Druggie. You are able to make use of kits, which will assist you in creating your drug labs. Once you get these kits it is time to walk out into the wilderness and start your drug farm. The drugs that can be sold are Marijuana Wheat, LSD Seeds, Magic Mushroom Red Mushroom, Shrooms Brown Mushroom, THC Cactus, Heroin Paper, Bath Salts Netherwart, Cocaine Sugar, MDMA Pumpkins, Methamphetamine Beetroot Seeds A long with selling drugs there are many other ways for you make to make your money, whether it is dealing in organs. Of course you can also make your money in a more legal fashion through becoming a Police Officer. All of these paths have their own perks, and their own downfalls, so choose carefully. Get your gang together and begin your journey to becoming a Godfather and creating your own cartel. Good Luck on your journey

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 21955 minutes ago
Owner MineCenter
Rank 4178
Votes 0
Joined 2016-12-18 01:45:56