Serberia Geopolitical Roleplay

Serberia Geopolitical Roleplay

Serberia is a geopolitical simulator in Minecraft, taking place in 1991 (the current year IRP; it changes each month.) RP is realistic and centers around real nations, rather than fictional (e.g. Roman Empire existing in 1991, a totally irrational proposition.) Servers typically last a few months, or even up to a year. Most of the time spent on the MC server is in creative; as well as this, the server is not a factions server, but rather based on countries. Various mods are used to simulate wars, including: Tyrants and Plebs Customnpcs Mods like jammy furniture and DecoCraft are also used for building.The server modpack is very heavy--576 MB. You will need at least a decent computer to run the modpack. Serberia is a small community. There are currently 19 people in the discord, while there are 12 members of the Minecraft server. However, the discord is very much active and alive, with conversations taking place daily. Roleplay is mostly done on the discord through RP channels.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 3967 minutes ago
Owner Lordhammerofham
Rank 1297
Votes 0
Joined 2020-02-11 21:03:08