

You will have to join our discord to learn how to install GDLauncher and connect. Ip Address Below: This server is experimental, it's going to be fun. We have a whole crapload of mods, but not so many it will break your pc. This modpack is balanced around creating as much technology and magic cheese as possible while still making the start of the game somewhat grindy. Some Mods include: Botania, Thaumcraft, Immersive Engineering, RFTools, EnderIO, Solar Flux Reborn, Dimensional Doors, Tinker's Construct, Applied Energistics, along with ComputerCraft as well as Extra Utilities 2. The trick is, this is an anarchy server, so how will you protect all your power, and your bases?

Server Information
Server Status Online
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/80
Last Ping 7 minutes ago
Owner KasuraKasa
Rank 13
Votes 17
Joined 2021-04-21 18:02:53