

he server is new so we need staff members and developers moderator and builders.and we would like to be the number one server in minecraft and soon enough with the help of our developers staff etc. we will add on new features in the upcoming days and i wish our players to be satisfied with the server and the excperience and our rules and regulations are very strict so we recommend our players to have respect for each other and we also ban if you swear humiliate or any type of abuse or cheating and you can appeal if you think the ban did not have a reason and soon on we will ad ranks and achievement bars that you can earn xp and coins so you can progress till now we did not add any purchasable items that require transactions so if you hop on from the beginning you will have giveaways and drop zone timings and some other events and many more great ideas and features are gonna come with the help of our team and please be the first to join to get amazing suprises.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 66888 minutes ago
Owner IGotBadPing
Rank 6848
Votes 0
Joined 2017-04-29 14:34:16