BeJealous Community

BeJealous Community

Server has been updated we now support bungeecord and also server has many enjoyable plugins such as marriage,towny,time is money,and auto ranking system it has great economy using ATMs to store your money there are shop chests and many other plugins to make your experience a lot betterThe server doesent really need staff since we have no players yet but we do need players to play on and tell us their experiencePlease if you come in dont spam for staff because that will get you muted and all your chances to get staff will be lost We are looking to add minigames in the near future so be expecting something like skywars or bedwars or even survival games Plugins installed on server Marriage,shopchests,scoreboard,time is money,vault,Ontime.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 21914 minutes ago
Owner HsYuALEX
Rank 7084
Votes 0
Joined 2017-09-04 19:02:55