Surfburken Minecraft Economy Chestshop CreativeSurvival McMMO

Rules Use refined language Zero tolerance for cheating and bug exploiting No flooding or text spamming inside the server No advertisement inside the server No badracist player names Respect our admins. Treat others as you want to be treated Use common sense Leave no flying trees or 11 towers If you want to build near others players, ask for permission first. Dont ask for itemsranks Enabling pvp will make you vulnerable to other players. Players are allowed to take your dropped gearitems if you have pvp enabled. Enable at your own risk Keep the map beautiful, dont place random blocks everywhere Griefingstealing are not allowed VIP Benefits Ingame VIP prefix and color Slots reservation Receive claims blocks faster and higher max amount of claim blocks. Recieve credits twice as fast as members Hat command. Will use whatever block you have in your hand as a hat Me command. Allows you to emote