

EvianCraft is a Semi-RPG Server with several custom plugins. We have been In-Development since December 15th 2014. We are finally concluding our beta, and want to invite you all to come enjoy the worlds we have created! *Family-Friendly Environment* IP: EvianCraft.co // IP: EvianCraft.net ❖ FEATURES: ♢Plugins: ♦Towny - Claim and protect land with this popular favorite! ♦MCMMO - Increase skills and unlock special abilities with this popular favorite! ♦Brewery - Brew, Drink, and Enjoy different beverages! Experiment and discover tons of custom brew recipes! ♦Deadbolt - Lock your chests, doors, and more! ♦MobArena - Join our Arena and battle endless waves of Mobs! Do it with a Team, or try it solo! ♦ChestShop - Sell goods in your own stores! ♦Auctions - Auction off your goods to make money in game! ♦Many More! - Crates, Enhanced Crafting, Jobs, Vote Rewards, Homes, Kits... ♢Custom Plugins: ♦EvianPacks - Take heavy packages of goods between major Cities! Face great perils, and be rewarded greatly! ♦EvianDrops - Get custom item drops when doing most any action! Mining, Digging, Fighting Mobs, Fishing, etc. ♦EvianTitans - Hunt down dangerous prey across the world. Will you survive a grand battle with these Bosses? ♦EvianScrolls - Hunting Mobs in certain areas may lead you to find a Scroll... these scrolls have clues to finding treasures! ♦EvianArmor - Special Armors can give additional bonuses, beyond their enchants! Wearing complete sets can give Set Bonuses!

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 111 minutes ago
Owner EvianCraft
Rank 892
Votes 0
Joined 2015-10-17 01:12:31