Ender Sandman's Lair

Ender Sandman's Lair

Server IP: mc.EndersLair.net Join Today! New players get a Donor Crate Key for a donor Item! Plus a New Player Crate Key! Semi Vanilla survival server with land claims. The server as custom features to make the game play more challenging and exciting. We reward for playing on the server and voting. All donor God items and perks can be earned in-game through McMMO Ranks and Rewards and Donor Crate Keys through voting. Donor items and perks include: 18 pieces of GOD armor, tools, and weapons Fly Fly and Walk Speed Disable Phantoms Keep Inventory/XP McMMO XP Boosts, Lucky Perks, and Reduced Ability Cooldowns Change Spawner Types Crafting Spawners Repair items Portable Enderchest Colored Nicknames Plus more! Standard features of our Server: Land Claims Ranks and Rewards through McMMO Power Levels No AFK kick Vote Shop and Crate Keys Auto Eating McMMO XP Storage Bottles XP sell shop MyPets Trading GUI Random TP Custom Crafting, mobs, drops, enchants Silk Spawners Mine Crates Durability Warner Gravity Tree Egg Mob Catcher

Server Information
Server Status Online
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 1/40
Last Ping 36042 minutes ago
Owner EnderSandman
Rank 259
Votes 17
Joined 2021-02-22 22:59:44