EmeriteCraft - Survival

Greetings fellow Minecrafters EmeriteCraft is a semi-vailla whitelisted server, Running the latest 1.13 update. Settings introduced into server - Difficulty Hard - KeepInventory True - FireTick Off - Mobgriefing Off - MapSize 25k in every direction - CommandBlocks Disabled - WhiteListed YES - MoreMobHeads - YES In order to gain access to the server you must first head over to httpswww.emeritecraft.comhomem49805484viewforum9248459 register with the site for free, and fill out the application form. You are more than welcome to join us on discord httpsdiscord.ggYDa6skh Server Map httpscdn.discordapp.comattachments474727012657790988474727127707680808servermap.png Note this is a brand new server, and you will see updates to both site and server.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 692 minutes ago
Owner EmeriteCraft
Rank 1831
Votes 0
Joined 2018-08-03 07:46:34