Now Hiring | Apply on Discord | Owner: (APOLLO#3096) [SERVER INFORMATION] * Custom Semi-Vanilla Enchants * Free-4-All Crates * Extra Essentials and Semi-OP Commands * Custom OP Gear and Loot around * NOT P2W. No Ranks. No Webstore. * Dungeons World (FREE personal world) * Raiding Allowed in Unclaimed (/claim) [ADDITIONAL] * PVP Arena, Automatic Parkour, Heads Database GUI, Banner Maker GUI, Shop GUI, Auction House GUI, TreeAssist and VeinMiner, RPG Skills, Leaderboards, Scoreboard, Mob and Player Killing Contests +More! [REQUIREMENTS] Preference: 18+ to Apply | Need Builders and Plugin Managers

Server Information
Server Status Offline
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Players 0/0
Last Ping 25586 minutes ago
Owner Elba
Rank 5086
Votes 0
Joined 2022-03-23 19:57:13