Eithon - New Skyblock server up

Notice Currently looking for moderating staff - Especially American Australian. OBS. You will have to prove yourself before you can obtain a staff rank. Welcome to the Eithon Network, the full Minecraft experience. Eithon is a hub server aiming to provide a fun and interesting gameplay experience, no matter what your personal preference is Survival MCmmo Towny, Freebuild, Creative Building, Minigames etc. Apart from being a hub server, a lot of focus and effort will be put into the community, creating the best atmosphere possible, which also means you dont have to be scared to ask a staff member for help when you join the serverthey are more than willing to help you out. We have made sure that the user is able to influence what is happening on the server, be it a feature they want added or a staff member they want to report Lets face it, a lot of servers these days are full with corrupt and rude staff. We also offer you a variety of custom plugins to enhance your Minecraft experience and we can also present to you an entirely unique and custom VIP system that works with the new EULA. Worth mentioning is that Eithon is a multi-gaming community with a Discord server that we suggest that you join Aside from these player ranks we have donor staff ranks as well - To read more about the servers features and more info on the ranks what each ranks get etc visit us on our website at httpeithon.net

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 656 minutes ago
Owner Eithon
Rank 1997
Votes 0
Joined 2016-06-02 08:56:22