

DiveMC Factions is a Factions server that has a friendly staff we do currrently need more staff you can apply here - just send a email to divemcservergmail.com your application here is the format for the application - Name- IGN- What can you do to help the sever- Do you have any experience at being staff on any servers if so pleae leave a list of the servers here - Rules 1. No DDoSing Doxing Death Threats 2. No spamming 3. Dont ask for ranks 4. Dont be annoying and act like a 10 yearold 5. Bot commands in botcommands 6. No HackingClients 7. No Duping 8. No Scamming 9. Use common sense 10. No abusing Bugs or Glitchs 11. Do not type message in announcements 12. Do not abuse staff Commands or else ipban REPORT ALL GLITCHES AND BUGS TO DiveMCNetwork ON TWITTER

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 115239 minutes ago
Owner DiveMC
Rank 5379
Votes 0
Joined 2017-07-01 17:33:34