

Welcome to RedRaidCraft i would like to introduce you to this server it is a OP-Factions server with CustomEnchants its 1.7 1.8 for the people that like 1.7 pvp more first 5 players to join and say i found the server on I will eat a cookie they will get a free donator rank so i know you found it from this website so make sure to join and be fast and you can also do a rank upgrade if you wanna buy a higher rank but i wanna tell you guys come checkout the server and vote for us so our server can get more players

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 36260 minutes ago
Owner David126788
Rank 5139
Votes 0
Joined 2016-12-15 11:58:15