

Simple. Log in and start building or have fun with friends. Always respect rules xxx No Griefing xxx Dont try to hack xxx No offensive language xxx Dont spam xxx Dont bother the staff, we wont give items or privileges. xxx If you want to record a video thats cool, still wont give things xxx Im from X site etc... nice try, even if real, still wont give things xxx No offers xxx Respect other players xxx Things that you can do xxx X-ray mining will not blame at this, it is your decision xxx Sell plots xxx Horses xxx Suggest plugins xxx Want to build in a specific biome Ask the Admin, hes a map of the prerendered area. xxx Non-VIP server. theres no pay IRL for game stuff. xxx Kits kit tools and kit food xxx Only donate only if you truly want help paying the host xxx 10016x10016 map area pre-rendered xxxxxx Spanish allowed too, other languages allowed as long as its to talk with your friends. xxxxxx Basic commands for starters info help

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 4173 minutes ago
Owner DEcobra11
Rank 2872
Votes 0
Joined 2016-08-07 23:40:54