Dreamers Town

We have dedicated tons of time towards creating this server, website, etc to make it the best experience for all our players. Dreamers Town is focused and based on towny and survival gameplay. However, we have many other features in which enhance the gameplay and it costs you the player nothing at all. Dreamers Town does not force its players to vote, buy donator ranks or perks. We believe in allowing every player the chance to be able to enjoy the server the same way. Please dont misunderstand us we have ranks and will accept donations if they are given but we do not require it for enhanced gameplay or op tools and armor. Dreamers Town is all in-game currency and ranking up to the next rank does not cost money either. Play time and following rules will increase your rank within the game. We also use discord and you will have that rank on the discord as well. Once again thanks for being a part of our serverr.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 3179 minutes ago
Owner D3vilWithin
Rank 3452
Votes 0
Joined 2018-11-20 03:44:28