Age of Renaissance

Age of Renaissance

Welcome to Age of Renaissance The year is 647D and the power of the Bren Empire has been waning for years. After a great chain of disasters such as the flooding of the low level plains and the destruction of many of the great mountains, the land of Mryrr is left in turmoil. You wake up in a jail cell in the now destroyed and isolated Rohengraav, a once small but mighty city on a cold northern island turned into meaningless rubble. From there your fate is in your hands to travel the mythical mountains and the grand riverlands, for good or for evil. Shall you start your own civilization or strengthen the Bren Empire Dynmap http142.4.206.2348112 Site

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Last Ping 67229 minutes ago
Owner Crysline
Rank 4666
Votes 0
Joined 2017-02-19 15:42:40