Pirate Seas

Pirate Seas

So What is Pirate Seas Pirate Seas is live action, open world, sandbox minecraft server. Players construct and sail theyre very own ships, muster a crew, and explore the seas of adventure and treasure. Loot islands for plunder and goods, trade at various ports for gold to feed your desires. Claim the sea as your own, rein terror among other pirates and construct forts to protect what is yours. Raid npc trade caravans. Discover ancient ruins and learn of ultimate treasures. But keep in mind lad, we are not alone, dark forces are on the rise, rumors of the Skeleton King at large have been all around, Captain Brutus and his ghost crew have also been heard to be sailing the seas once again. The possibilities are endless and the action infinite, all in the world of Pirate Seas, The Adventure Awaits You

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 22263 minutes ago
Owner Coolbanana_
Rank 3588
Votes 0
Joined 2017-07-29 19:05:04