

VoxelCraft is a survival smp server the ip is play.voxelcraft.org We have a discord with all the information you could possibly need httpsdiscord.ggMfdUeYV. The server has a shopping district area where anyone can make a shop most people use diamonds as the currency for the shops, are server is based a lot on hermitcraft for those who know of it. Currently the server supports 1.14.2 and 1.14.3 this may change in the future. We have some unique datapacks ,more mob heads, multiplayer sleepone person sleep, double shulker shells, bedrock breaker, dragon drops elytra,afk display, end cities, ocean structures and villages all have a new look to them. Anti-Grief measures you can claim land with fences, any griefing can also be undone you can see who did anything place or destroy blocks with the simple command co i along with menu for some other useful commmands bed teleport you to your bed location keep inventory is on and severeal warps.

Server Information
Owner CommandBlockV1
Rank 4561
Votes 0
Joined 2019-07-14 13:35:06