Club Survival

If youre looking for a fun server with that survival experience, then youve come to the right place Join ClubSurvival TODAY We offer the following pluginsoptions for you to enjoy -BetterChairs -CrazyEnchantments -McMMO to be re-added with newest update -Auction House -Grief Prevention -PlayerMob Heads sellable -Jobs -Voting in-game rewards -Creative Plot World -Random Teleport wild or farwild -Server Shop -Silk Spawners AND LOTS MORE TO COME So......what in the world are you waiting for Check us out today and join a growing community of Minecrafters just like you -CLUB SURVIVAL STAFF TEAM

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 5578 minutes ago
Owner ClubSurvival
Rank 3264
Votes 0
Joined 2017-07-28 04:16:05