
Join this brand new Minecraft server and be one of the first players to discover the endless Survival wilderness where you can build your epic base. Or do you prefer living on a floating island high in the sky Dont make your island big. Make it huge. Not your style No problem show us what you got and become the best Faction Unless you just hate building a base and you were born to PvP. Then duels is the place to be. We know what real PvPers want no attack cooldown. So thats exactly what we did. Just for that little extra, we also have a minigame we like to call Mini Skywars. Its a short Skywars game with only four players. All of that. One place. Welcome to LegendLand. We are constantly trying to make our server even better, but theres something, or someone actually, were missing. You. LegendLand.serv.nu

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 23536 minutes ago
Owner BooJaa
Rank 4816
Votes 0
Joined 2016-11-16 13:26:26