Lightweight Factions 1.14.4

Lightweight Factions is one of the few current 1.14 factions servers. On LF, the main goal of the players to strive to create the most powerful faction, all while forming alliances and taking down rivals. This server was created by veterans of Minecraft factions that want to bring new life to the genre by reviving the sense of adventure that old school factions had. By avoiding the same trends that most current factions servers follow such as mcMMO and P2W, we hope to create a fresh and exciting new version of the game. In addition, there are a few things that make us unique A rank-up system, that relies on in game money. No pay to win here Perks include extra homes, feed, heal, near, economy commands, and special kits. This rank-up system uses Tiers and allows players to upgrade from T1 default all the way to T4. Custom built challenges dungeons in which players will go into combat against a powerful NPC for loot. Teams are encouraged. Rewards for joining Discord such as a Factions Powerboost f power from 10 to 15, and perks for being active in the discord server. A custom built spawn, and custom built mini-games such as a maze and parkour that both take around 20 minutes to complete. Nothing cookie cutter or copy and pasted from a website. Overall, despite our simple approach, we have much that separates us from other factions servers that play on a version from 2014. Hope to see you soon

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 35883 minutes ago
Owner Benjamin628
Rank 3163
Votes 0
Joined 2019-09-21 18:39:55