HexaCraft | Towny Survival | Community Server | JOIN TODAY!

Ip: Play.HexaCraft.Co General Information: When we created this server, our goal was to create a unique and well balanced "custom" Towny experience. With our current team having over 3 years of Towny experience we aim to give players the best possible survival experience possible. With frequent updates and actively adding new features to the server, we can ensure you that this server has a lot to offer. Whilst our server is mostly based around Towny we have added a lot of game-play features that will enhance your experience, such as: Jobs: On the server, your main income of money will be by using a job. Players are able to choose from 11 different and unique jobs that will give you money for executing various different things. While you level up your job, you will unlock unique perks that will help you along the way. Ranks: With 6 possible in-game ranks, which you can purchase. You will be able to unlock various different skills and perks. McMMO: a well-known plugin that will add skill leveling inside Minecraft. Auctions: Sell your precious items to other people on the server to make life easy for you. And Many More!

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 9481 minutes ago
Owner Avaixus
Rank 1876
Votes 0
Joined 2019-12-14 17:03:15