Aurelia - Custom Minecraft Survival

Aurelia - Custom Minecraft Survival

Introducing Aurelia, a completely new Minecraft survival experience. Unlike most survival servers, Aurelia has been designed with the Minecraft veteran in mind, custom coded to bring a fresh new gameplay style to those who are tired of the bore from other servers. Aurelia features custom items (including Jewels, Rubies, Artifacts, Elixr and plenty more) with their brand new uses and ways of obtaining them. We also feature mcMMO, Quests, a player-driven economy, mysteryboxes, chunk claiming, custom drops, jobs, levels, and well-experienced server owners. We are passionate about keeping Aurelia fresh, bringing new content each week. You never quite know what new item will be introduced to help you on the way to becoming the top player on the server. Enjoy killing mobs? We have custom items for that. Enjoy mining? Plenty of new minerals to collect! Enjoy building? We have chunk claiming systems to ensure your builds are protected. We invite you to join the server and experience the unique gameplay we offer. Get new Chat Flairs, collect mystery keys, repair broken items to reveal 100% custom armor sets and tools. The opportunities are endless.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 27131 minutes ago
Owner Aurelia
Rank 2328
Votes 0
Joined 2020-04-08 14:55:20