Kryptonic Factions 1.7 - 1.11

HUGE UPDATES - NEW HOST, REVAMPED EVERYTHING This is Kryptonic Factions, an OP Factions experience you will not forget. With our dedicated staff and advanced anticheat, we are confident to say that you will not have an unpleasant experience with your stay. We strive to redefine the OP Factions saturated standard that has been set, and raise the bar to an unsurpassable height. This server has been built from the ground up, with only the benefit of the players in mind. We hope you give our server a chance, and we hope you enjoy your stay. Completely PvP Orientated Dedicated Developers Advanced AntiCheat Unique Features No Bugs No Lag

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 695 minutes ago
Owner Artel
Rank 3843
Votes 0
Joined 2016-12-10 03:10:58