Arisen Kingdom

Arisen Kingdom is a survival based server with many RPG elements. There are three towns which are called Adraywiel, Wynthrall, and Orion. Adraywiel is the neutral town which has an alliance with both Wynthrall and Orion. Wynthrall and Orion are towns that are rivals to each other. Players can join the towns to assist in expanding the empire or they can create new towns to expand their very own dominion. Within each of these towns there will be a capital that includes commerce and infrastructure such as player markets, shops, auctions, trading, community storage, and much more. As players make their own towns and join forces with the server based ones, their objective is to try to build the empires up to compete with their rival town. The bigger the town, the bigger the empire will be. There will also be rival clans with whom you will choose or stay neutral. There will be a custom made plugin in the future for raids, dungeons, boss creations, and mob spawns. Players will have the ability to choose classes such as mage, warrior, etc.

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 55573 minutes ago
Owner ArisenKingdom
Rank 6634
Votes 0
Joined 2017-01-18 20:27:03