
The VoltSiege Network Welcome, User!   At VoltSiege we strive to gain a friendly strong community where you can stay and enjoy your time. VoltSiege is a growing server and over the years the knowledge of improving server situations has improved vastly. I continue to keep up the work and expand VoltSiege to become a bigger greater server. In order to accomplish this goal, I am asking for your help. Currently, there is only one developer, I need three more. If you love to develop and configure plugins; it's a passion of yours and you have past experience for this type of role I highly recommend looking into our developer role. I am flexible to an extent for modifying role features you just have to ask.   At VoltSiege all our servers consist of a dedicated server. There should be really no lag on our end so you can enjoy your time here. VoltSiege has lots of features, many servers to choose but to start out to create a strong community I recommend find a particular server and invite people on it to make gameplay more addicting. At the start, some servers are in beta and are only allowing certain people in mainly beta players. You can receive your beta tag clicking the beta NPC on the Hub server.                         Playable Servers:                           - Creative   Enjoy building? Enjoy 1.16.1 blocks? Then the Creative server might just be your choice. If you use Worldedit plugin we have an AsyncWorldEdit plugin to reduce lag. You may equip the "wand" when you vote at PMC which allows you to use worldedit for 1 day. You always can replenish your time by voting here again when both timers are up.                          - Simple Survival   Simple survival is fun because it's basically a classic survival server just with some simple tweaks such as displaying the mob health bar when attacking it. It is very minimum tweaks but to a point where it is still enjoyable. Currently, a bedrock portal station is built once it's basically not just me I will continue to improve the spawn!                           - Skywars   The Skywars maps we have are all awesome probably because they're all custom. From the main spawn to the lobby all the way up into the maps they are just pure awesome I recommend taking a few rounds to try it out! More Skywars game maps will be added I ask you to be patients as mentioned its really just me developing everything.                        Beta Servers (Limited access):                          - Factions RPG   Boy, lots of cool features from quest to a custom RPG world with classes and unique stats. Mob arenas (Dungeons) are in the works of being created. The RPG build will probably never be done displaying custom builds since there will always be build extensions! Of course, If I have time and money to focus on that. Custom mobs are being added mainly for dungeons/ mob arenas at this standpoint.                       Any problems with the server?   - Players situations? - Player breaking rules? - Bugs? - Stuck literally or need help on what to do?                       Contact me in-game: TnTCurtis                       Go to the VoltSiege discord.                       Report on our website.         Any staff online tell them (Staff tend to leave and go if you have the chance to ask then feel free too).   I put lots of time and effort into this server. If you wish to support my efforts I guarantee any funds go to a set category for what you want the funds to contribute to.                        Thanks for choosing VoltSiege!

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 19479 minutes ago
Owner TnTCurtis
Rank 1835
Votes 0
Joined 2017-09-23 17:17:50