The Immortal Realms

The Immortal Realms

Before you, is one of the greatest decisions. Which Kingdom shall you follow There is the powerful Red Nation, influenced by admin control. On the other hand, is the valiant Blue Nation, controlled in its entirety by player rule. The decision is up to you which ranks to join. Your participation is encouraged in the fight between the two rivals. Wars will break out around the realms, and it is your duty to aid your kingdom in battle. For now, you will be best fit to construct strong centers of power. Plots of land may be purchased from admins for a fair fee. Upon those lands, you may build hamlets, and build them up into great cities. With higher city size, comes great power and abilities. - Nations, 2 nations will begin the server competing in occassional events to gain rewards. Other nations may be created by players who are capable of building the requirements of the levels of cities. As your city grows, you may appoint knights and eventually lords and be the king of your own nation if you work hard enough. - Wars, Occassional events will be played between the nations, most notable of them is Wars, Large Scale pvp battles to whom the winner will go the spoils, in vast quantities. - Mercantilism, Market stalls are available for purchase in the Nexus city, allowing players to buy and sell items and become the wealthiest of the server Take yourself to the great beyond, to the Immortal Realms

Server Information
Server Status Offline
Server IP
Version N/A
Players 0/0
Last Ping 11032 minutes ago
Owner Necroniser
Rank 3835
Votes 0
Joined 2019-01-24 00:11:56